No prior experience is necessary – but daring to care and a willingness to learn and work are mandatory.
CCLP offers opportunities to acquire experience that cannot be found in any classroom, and to build an organization of lasting service to those the legal profession is pledged to serve. CCLP publishes, speaks and teaches about the problems existing in the field of law itself and what we can do about it.
CCLP provides on-the-job training in all organizing skills and teaches classes on organizing methods and legal and labor history. Our communities need leadership – learn to organize and build that leadership, today.
As a volunteer with Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals (CCLP), you can play an instrumental role in legal battles affecting thousands of low-income workers, homeowners, tenants, prisoners, immigrants, seniors, and small business people, victims of police misconduct and a growing portion of our population who lack access to the courts.
With CCLP, you learn basic organizing skills to make a difference, such as:
- Learning systemic organizing – how to build and maintain an all-volunteer, non-government funded organization incorporating people in our communities from all walks of life in resolving the legal problems growing from a root cause of poverty.
- Organizing and running “Know Your Law” sessions – attorneys provide pro bono talks on topics of concern to low-income workers and others seeking assistance.
- Conducting Legal Advice Sessions – Lay legal advocates lead client-intake interviews and work with volunteer attorneys who provide individual legal advice and do follow-up.
- Public speaking at universities, law schools, bar associations and religious institutions, and other venues
- Writing and designing publications and flyers to publicize CCLP’s efforts.
- Phoning and other outreach skills